Between Colleagues

Found in Brightwood Hamlet

Lore book icon Averham's Research
Averham's Research

Robert -
Our exploration continues, though we are no closer to finding the cause of these Corrupted areas. No logical progression, no determinable cause for location or spread... it is baffling. And while the scientist in me is thrilled at this ch...

Between Colleagues 页面 - NWGuide知识库

Between Colleagues 页面 Found in Brightwood Hamlet - New World Guide of Lore资料库

Robert -

Our exploration continues, though we are no closer to finding the cause of these Corrupted areas. No logical progression, no determinable cause for location or spread... it is baffling. And while the scientist in me is thrilled at this challenge, the human in me is terrified.

The only points that seem truly safe are the protected areas of the settlements. Whatever energy is present there is enough to prevent those Corruption points from forming.

Our team has reached the northern edge of the Great Cleave, and we are down to 12 members, of the original 19. If we lose too many more, we'll be forced to turn back... which may work out for the best. I think everyone would like to return to the safety of the south.

For now, we will continue our research. Our current task is checking soil samples between locations, to determine if there is any variance in composition or quantity of Azoth. You may wish to do the same in your own area.

Looking forward to seeing you soon. Perhaps you'll buy me a drink on my return?

Sarah Averham

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