A message written on official Covenant letterhead
To the Templar General
To the Templar General 页面 - NWGuide知识库
To the Templar General 页面 A message written on official Covenant letterhead - New World Guide of Lore资料库
To the attention of Templar General Carvalho,
The bearer of this letter wishes to form a coalition between the factions to fight Corruption. To that end, they have requested that the Covenant attend a parley.
I believe it is in our best interest to attend.
Our sacred charge is to vanquish the Lost. Our pragmatic need is to battle the other factions. Yet Corruption will consume us all, if we do not act.
Before we are Covenant, we are human. Grant me permission to attend the parley on behalf of the Covenant. I will represent our faction with honor.
Lieutenant Templar General d'Aquitane