La Roussette's Manifest

Found in La Roussette

Lore book icon Aeternum's Wreckage
Aeternum's Wreckage

We set forth from Honfleur with a hold full of cargo, and a handful of uniquely valuable items from Paris as a gift to the soldiers at the new fort. These items include a Silver Candelabra from the Court of the late King Henry the Great, a Blessed Ch...

La Roussette's Manifest 页面 - NWGuide知识库

La Roussette's Manifest 页面 Found in La Roussette - New World Guide of Lore资料库

We set forth from Honfleur with a hold full of cargo, and a handful of uniquely valuable items from Paris as a gift to the soldiers at the new fort. These items include a Silver Candelabra from the Court of the late King Henry the Great, a Blessed Chalice from Bishop Richelieu of the Church at Lucon, and an Astrolabe used by Samuel Champlain himself during an earlier voyage across the Great Western Ocean.

-Marcel Dupont

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