Gourds For Sale

Found in Olcott Family Farm

Lore book icon Trappings of Death
Trappings of Death

We've instructed the little ones in the ways of the Trading Post, and they seem to be taking to it swimmingly. They, with the protection of the older ones, take our goods to market while we sow the fields. All of Everfall now knows of the Olcott Fami...

Gourds For Sale 页面 - NWGuide知识库

Gourds For Sale 页面 Found in Olcott Family Farm - New World Guide of Lore资料库

We've instructed the little ones in the ways of the Trading Post, and they seem to be taking to it swimmingly. They, with the protection of the older ones, take our goods to market while we sow the fields. All of Everfall now knows of the Olcott Family gourds and their quality. Our life here is so much more prosperous than we could have ever imagined when we took the risk to leave the Old World behind. Yes, there is danger abound here but if one simply sticks to the roads and a steady routine, even a family as big and peaceful as ours can survive and even flourish.

Sawyer Olcott

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