Conscripted Guardians

Found in Vega Bridge South

Lore book icon The Vega Bridge
The Vega Bridge

The Ancient Guardians who watch over this bridge seem somehow bound to this place. Perhaps their Ancient masters charged them with watching over the site. What a cursed existence… forced to patrol the same stretch of stone for all time, in defense of...

Conscripted Guardians 页面 - NWGuide知识库

Conscripted Guardians 页面 Found in Vega Bridge South - New World Guide of Lore资料库

The Ancient Guardians who watch over this bridge seem somehow bound to this place. Perhaps their Ancient masters charged them with watching over the site. What a cursed existence… forced to patrol the same stretch of stone for all time, in defense of a long-lost civilization. I wonder how these poor conscripts were chosen. Were they cruelly pressed into service, or did they volunteer for eternal service to their masters? How I wish these old bones still held the power of speech, for who knows what secrets they might divulge, had we the power to ask.

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