The Unfortunates

Feeding the Settlement

Lore book icon Agarwal's Diary
Agarwal's Diary

With so many families displaced by disease and withering, Twillen sees a great deal of unfortunates. These poor souls have not the coin for a home of their own, but still manage to scrape by with a room at the inn or by camping within the settlement ...

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The Unfortunates 页面 Feeding the Settlement - New World Guide of Lore资料库

With so many families displaced by disease and withering, Twillen sees a great deal of unfortunates. These poor souls have not the coin for a home of their own, but still manage to scrape by with a room at the inn or by camping within the settlement wall. While hardly ideal, the town offers some refuge from the dangers of the outside swamp.

It is for them that I fish. Each night I haul my catch into the town square to distribute to the crowds. There is no higher calling than helping those in need.

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