The Second Promise

Prose carved into stone. Highly legibile, though weathered from the passage of time.

Lore book icon The Oath of the Old Warrior
The Oath of the Old Warrior

I vow to be both noble and true, to heed the divine voice, and to aid my people against all hardships and foes. I also swear on my bonded soul to ease the world’s pain, and to fulfill my sworn obligations regardless of the price.

The Second Promise 页面 - NWGuide知识库

The Second Promise 页面 Prose carved into stone. Highly legibile, though weathered from the passage of time. - New World Guide of Lore资料库

I vow to be both noble and true, to heed the divine voice, and to aid my people against all hardships and foes. I also swear on my bonded soul to ease the world’s pain, and to fulfill my sworn obligations regardless of the price.

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