Witness of the Faithful vol. 2

The horror of what I have witnessed…

Lore book icon Age of the Pharoah
Age of the Pharoah

Gods forgive me, for I have acted in defiance of their will. In my zeal, I believed we were worthy to return to the holy places of the forerunners, but within them, only doom remains.
When I set foot in the Great Pyramid, that wonder of the living...

Witness of the Faithful vol. 2 页面 - NWGuide知识库

Witness of the Faithful vol. 2 页面 The horror of what I have witnessed… - New World Guide of Lore资料库

Gods forgive me, for I have acted in defiance of their will. In my zeal, I believed we were worthy to return to the holy places of the forerunners, but within them, only doom remains.

When I set foot in the Great Pyramid, that wonder of the living god Sutekh, in hopes I might gaze upon the splendor of the Ennead, I witnessed such horror as the eyes of man have never seen. The deathless still stand watch there, not as spirits or phantoms, but bound within their ancient joints and sinews. Even unfleshed as they were, I could see the torment in their lifeless eyes, burning with the ancient energies of creation.

How cruel must the gods have been to forsake them in this state of putrefaction, these, their most faithful, who stood watch over their kingdom when they dwelt upon the earth. Lord Sutekh, I implore you, grant me your wisdom that I may understand the necessity of this pitiless fate. And look not with anger upon your disobedient servant, for doubting the voracity of your Pharaoh’s decree.

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