The Journal of Publius Canidius Crassus

No one can die…

Lore book icon The Romans' Journey
The Romans' Journey

Well, this land continues to be a source of amazement.
Today, a priestess of Isis and attendant of the queen broke down, despairing that she had failed poor Cleopatra, and that the goddess had abandoned them. I confess, I can’t entirely disagree— ...

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The Journal of Publius Canidius Crassus 页面 No one can die… - New World Guide of Lore资料库

Well, this land continues to be a source of amazement.

Today, a priestess of Isis and attendant of the queen broke down, despairing that she had failed poor Cleopatra, and that the goddess had abandoned them. I confess, I can’t entirely disagree— the queen has been missing since the strange report of her abduction during the storm, and I can only assume is quite dead. Still, the outburst was proving disastrous for morale, and I can ill afford any treasonous impulses on the part of our Egyptian comrades. So I did the only sensible thing, and ordered a member of the 19th’s to quickly silence her.

His report was rather unorthodox. Apparently, after he slit her throat she vanished in a ball of light. My first thought was to have him checked by the medics. But before I could manage it, the woman showed back up at the camp spewing her usual doomsaying.

For the time being I have her locked up in a trunk in the bilge. It’ll have to do until I can devise a more… creative solution for dealing with dissidents.

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