The Syndicate's Charter

A Syndicate pamphlet

Lore book icon The Three Factions
The Three Factions

"Reach Exceeding"
All worlds are bound by certain natural laws; a scientist's job is to know them. Thanks to Newton, we now know that the small echoes the large; the song of the spheres is the same tune as a falling apple. With the microscope came...

The Syndicate's Charter 页面 - NWGuide知识库

The Syndicate's Charter 页面 A Syndicate pamphlet - New World Guide of Lore资料库

"Reach Exceeding"

All worlds are bound by certain natural laws; a scientist's job is to know them. Thanks to Newton, we now know that the small echoes the large; the song of the spheres is the same tune as a falling apple. With the microscope came knowledge of invisible life, too small to see, yet all around us. These discoveries didn't change the world, because they have always been true. But they changed us, humankind. We have grown. Knowledge is transformative, creation's most powerful force.

There is so much we still don't know about Aeternum. Why don't people die? What animates the Lost? Who were the Ancients? We must ask questions to find answers. We have just scratched the surface of the secret depths this place holds. It must be studied and understood, regardless of the cost. And once we understand reality, we can start to improve it.

All rational beings are welcome in the Syndicate. Join us. Help us draw back the veil.

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